Saturday, 3 September 2011


.Comparing RIP and IGRP
Feature RIP IGRP
Update Timer 30 seconds 90 seconds
Metric Hop count Bandwidth/delay (also, reliability, MTU, and load)
Hold-Down Timer 180 280
Flash Updates Yes Yes
Infinite-Metric Value 16 4,294,967,295

Configuring RIP and IGRP
Command Configuration Mode
router rip Global
router igrp [as number] Global
router igrp [as number] Global enable IGRP for the AS and enter (config-router) mode.
network [net number] Router subcommand advertise to other routers that this router has a path to the given network.
passive-interface [default]
{interface type interface number}
Router subcommand don't send routing updates out through the given interface.
maximum-pathsnumber Router subcommand keep at most number'''different routes to the same destination in the routing table.
traffic-share {balanced | min} Router subcommand
traffic-share {balanced | min} Router subcommand share traffic between routes, either proportionally or just between those of the minimum metric value.

EXEC Commands
Command Description
show ip route Shows the entire routing table, or a subset if parameters are entered.
show ip protocols Shows routing protocol parameters and current timer values.
debug ip rip Issues log messages for each RIP update.
debug ip igrp transactions [ip address] Issues log messages with details of the IGRP updates.
debug ip igrp transactions [ip address] Issues log messages with details of the IGRP updates.
debug ip igrp events [ip address] Issues log messages for each IGRP packet.
trace Sends a series of ICMP echoes with increasing TTL values to verify the current route to a host.

RIP Configuration
router rip
network [network address1] -> Use network number (address w/ normal class address)
network [network address2]

IGRP ConfigurationIGRP Configuration
router igrp [as number] -> Note: All routers should use the same AS number
network [network address1]
network [network address2]
show running-config -> I = address found by IGRP, C = directly connected
I [100/8539] via, 00:00:50, Ethernet0
-> The [100/8359] can be broken into two separate parts:
  • 100 = administrative distance
  • 8539 = metric (function of bandwidth and delay)
  • The higher the bandwidth, the lower the metric
  • The lower the cumulative delay, the lower the metric

Bandwidth Defaults
LAN Interfaces = default reflects the correct bandwidth
Serial Interfaces = defaults to 1544 kbps (T1 speed)
-> Configure using the bandwidth [kbps] interface command
To migrate from RIP to IGRP (Commands)
  • no router rip
  • router igrp [as number]
  • network [network ID]

Debug/show commands include
  • debug ip rip
  • show ip route
  • debug ip igrp transactions (detailed info on updates)
  • debug ip igrp events (summary that states updates received)
  • show ip protocol (Update timer, elapsed time since update received)

Additional Notes
- If multiple route exist, router chooses best metric route
- If routes tie, keep the first/pre-existing route
    Command: maximum-paths 1 (default is maximum-paths 4)
  - When RIP places multiple routes, router balances traffic
    Command to use lowest-cost: traffic-share min

variance allows metrics to be considered equal, since IGRP/EIGRP metrics are calculated through formula and often won’t be exactly the same.
Example: metric = 100, variance = 2, If value > (lowest metric * variance), add route
Administrative Distance:In order to compare metrics between different routing protocols, use administrative distance to denote how believable an entire routing protocol is on a single router.

Default Administrative Distances
Route Type Administrative Distance
Connected 0
Static 1
EIGRP summary route 5
EIGRP (internal) 90
IGRP 100
OSPF 110
IS-IS 115
RIP 120
EIGRP (external) 170
iBGP (external) 200